PCN Tours: A Companion to the Popular Television Series

  • PCN Tours: A Companion to the Popular Television Series

$ 49.95

Fans of the Pennsylvania Cable Network’s television series PCN Tours will enjoy this collection of twenty-eight of the most popular manufacturing tours that have appeared on the program since its premiere in 1995. The book takes readers inside factories where some of Pennsylvania’s best-known products are made, including helicopters, fire trucks, marshmallow “Peeps,” mortar shells, pianos, caskets, barbells and beer. PCN Tours shows that in twewnty-first-century Pennsylvania, manufacturing is alive and well.


About the Author

Brian Lockman is the president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Cable Network, a nonprofit public affairs network serving subscribers across Pennsylvania. All author royalties from the sale of this book will go toward funding PCN’s public service mission.

Type Trade paper, hardcover
Vendor Camino Books, Inc.
Tags History, Photography

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