Philly Firsts: The Famous, Infamous, and Quirky of the City of Brotherly Love

  • Philly Firsts: The Famous, Infamous, and Quirky of the City of Brotherly Love

$ 17.95

Most people think of Philadelphia as the place where the principles of freedom on which our nation was founded were first set down on paper. But the City of Brotherly Love can boast of a long tradition of “firsts,” in every area of daily life, over the past three centuries. 

Where would we be without hospitals, volunteer fire departments and public libraries—not to mention inventions like the lightning rod, bifocals and the computer? From the conventional to the unusual, and from the earliest date of the city’s settlement to the present, Philly Firsts celebrates the ingenuity, creativity and perseverance of the denizens of this great city.


About the Author

A native Philadelphian, Janice L. Booker has been writing professionally since she was in high school. She also teaches courses in journalism and literature at colleges and community centers and is a seasoned lecturer. She is the author of several other books.

Type Trade paper
Vendor Camino Books
Tags History, Philadelphia

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