The ABC’s of Philadelphia: An Illustrated Guide to the City of Brotherly Love

  • The ABC’s of Philadelphia: An Illustrated Guide to the City of Brotherly Love

$ 16.95


A child’s alphabet book, a visitor’s guide and keepsake, a history primer, or a coffee table book – which best describes The ABC’s of Philadelphia? The answer, of course, is all of these at once. Greg Landry’s crisp text and Robert Hochgertel’s vibrant illustrations combine to bring the diverse pleasures of this great city to life on every page.

Philadelphia appears here in its many familiar manifestations—fount of our nation’s history; center of commerce, medicine and education; home to athletes and the arts; even a pop-culture icon—but freshly imagined. Each exquisite panel is a small world in itself, inviting us to walk where William Penn first set foot, to look over the shoulders of the signers of the Constitution, to feel the beat and buzz of neighborhoods.

How well do you really know Philadelphia? Whether you are a native or an occasional visitor, whatever your age, you will see the city with new eyes. Sure to interest tourists and newcomers as well as long-time residents (especially those with out-of-town grandchildren). Just begin at A.


About the Author

Greg Landry was inspired to write this book when his children began to read, and he wanted them, and others, to learn about the wonderful features of this great city.

Robert Hochgertel has been a professional artist for a quarter of a century, working for national and international clients in publishing, advertising and entertainment. He currently teaches at the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design.

Type Hardcover
Vendor Camino Books, Inc.
Tags Art, ebook, History, Parenting/Family, Philadelphia

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